July 10th!

Fury 325 Crack Shuts It Down, Everything We Know About It

picture from Taylor James on our Carowinds Annual Passholders group

I know this is a little late and could’ve gone out in last weeks newsletter, but here is everything we know about the crack in one of Fury 325’s supports:

A crack slowly started to form in one of the support columns of Fury 325’s track at Carowinds. We know this because there were multiple photos people took at the front of the park and then later on went back and saw the crack getting worse and worse.

Finally it got to the point that you see above, where the crack literally broke the beam. There is a video from Jeremy Wagner that shows one of Fury’s ride vehicles going through this section of track and the whole track shifting from left to right.

From what i’ve gathered, this was immediately brought to the attention of the park who then shut down the ride. Many engineers said that the media was overblowing this crack and that the track was not in danger of failing due to failsafe measures put in place that would’ve allowed it to keep going without that support in place. I think long term it needs that support for its overall integrity, but many engineers have said that had a support simply fallen out, the ride could have operated safely.

Park employees covered the crack with some sort of plastic wrap. I believe I read in a few places this was to prevent water getting into the crack which could make matters worse.

Carowinds released the above statement after conducting a review of the ride. They had employees literally crawling over every section of the track to double check everything about it. A lot of group members felt bad for these employees working on steel in the hot summer.

Carowinds though, in an abundance of safety, wanted to double check every inch of the ride and seems to have concluded that there was only the one column which cracked, that needed to be fixed.

So what happens now? Carowinds will most likely triple check everything when the new column is installed. This crack caused a lot of bad publicity for the park even though the issue was overblown according to engineers. The ride will most likely be closed for quite some time, possibly re-opening next year(speculation).

Does this mean you should cancel your trip to Carowinds? No. The park still has a ton of rides that you’ll enjoy. While their signature ride might not be open, there’s still rides such as Copperhead Strike, Intimidator, and others!

New Jersey Shuts Down Backyard Coaster

Two teens in New Jersey recently had their hopes dashed when the city told them that effective immediately, they had to cease operating their home made backyard rollercoaster. The coaster was dubbed ‘Shadow Stalker’ and really looked fun.

The teens most likely ran into trouble when they opened the ride to the public. It could be said that the city would have eventually made them cease operations had they not opened it publicly but when it was featured on multiple news networks and youtube channels, the city’s timeframe might have been moved up.

Coaster and Brews went on a tour of this coaster during their media day. If you want to check out a pov of the ride and more, check out their video here.

Moana Attraction Images Released

I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed that this new addition to Epcot isn’t that large. It’s really just a themed walkway if you ask me. Im not hating against it at all, I just have a feeling that many guests are going to be disappointed and thought it would be basically a mini attraction.

Something similar happened at Animal Kingdom where they used to have a boat transportation system around the park. Think of the train at the Magic Kingdom but instead they used boats to transport guests around the park. However, too many guests thought it was actually a ride and were frustrated when it was not. Animal Kingdom ended up removing the ride.

Theme Park Stock Watch

These stats are based on the last 5 days of trading as of Monday Night.




Sea World



Six Flags



Cedar Fair






From The Editor

Last weeks newsletter was pretty bare, I had to get it out because of a sponsorship so it wasn’t as long as it should have been. This one has a ton more news I’ve been collecting.

I recently got back from Lost Island in Iowa and let me tell you, that theme park is absolutely amazing and definitely needs your support. If you can, consider a trip out to Iowa to visit it this summer. Without visitors, the park may very well have to shut down. For now though, you can enjoy walk-ons of almost every ride they have!

I’ll be covering more of this park in upcoming newsletters with vlogs, additional articles, and more. But, it is a world class theme park and if it survives could be the next Disney park. There is just so much attention to detail put into every ride, they created their own freakin language, and they have a ton of walk around characters!

This week I’ll be receiving roughly 4,000 lbs of coaster parts I bought from the auction at the Dynamic Attractions facility in British Colombia. I’ll definitely keep you updated with how it all works out!

There’s a secret phrase in this newsletter, the first person that responds back to this email will get some free stickers sent to them!

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Third Bolt Sea Coaster Being Installed

The third bolt rollercoaster is being installed on the Carnival Jubilee. These are powered coasaters that go around the top of cruise ships. They hold two people and probably cost an arm and a leg to ride. I’m just assuming it costs a lot, I havn’t done one yet! But I’m thinking they are comparable to the tourist trap coasters at Las Vegas that cost $15 a ride.

I think these look like a blast but my wallet most likely won’t appreciate them!

Zombie Has Been Moved to Salitre Magico In Bogota, Colombia.

Zombie the Sky Rocket II ride that used to be at Bosque Magico in Mexico, has been successfully moved to Bogota, Colombia. The park in Mexico had shut down when the local government wanted to change how that parcel of land was zoned, no longer wanting a theme park there.

The ride, now in Colombia, it now fully constructed and probably just undergoing some station work and then eventually testing.

You’re probably wondering does a coaster that moved from one location to another count as a credit? The answer is really up to you. One can argue that the coaster changes because the view you get is drastically different. Others can argue that its the same exact ride so it doesn’t count. Coaster credits are really up to you so count it if you want!

I Visited The Georgia Mountain Coaster

I recently had the chance to visit the Georgia Mountain Coaster. It’s situated in this very beautiful German inspired village in the middle of Georgia. The ride itself was fun. I was zipping through the trees and laughing a ton!

My only complaint is that I kept getting stuck behind new riders that I had to slow down drastically for. If you want to check out the pov and reverse pov, click the button below! You watching this video really helps us out as it helps us earn that sweet sweet youtube ad revenue!

Daddy Pig Coaster Confirmed To Be Coming To Dallas

The famous Daddy Pig Coaster at the Peppa Pig park near Legoland Orlando is now coming to the new park Peppa Pig theme park being built in Dallas. The new park opens sometime in 2024. This is a kid friendly rollercoaster that we’ll definitely have to sneak on for the credit!

Atlantic City Opens Largest Beachfront Indoor Waterpark

Image courtesy of Escape Visuals

Atlantic City recently saw the opening of a brand new indoor waterpark. It opened at the Showboat resort and general admission costs a whopping $89. Actually, let me correct that. General admission starts at $89 for the waterpark. That is crazy expensive if you ask me.

But, this area is a heavy tourist spot so I have no doubt that this park will succeed. It’s very close to New York City so has a large amount of people most likely willing to visit it.

The area does get quite cold in the winter. Because its an indoor park, it can operate year round, which might be a great break for those sick of the cold weather.

Last week we asked what the best park for rollercoasters was. 9 out of 25 of you voted for Cedar Point, 8 voted for Dollywood, and surprisingly only 4 voted for Six Flags Magic Mountain. All other options received less than 3 votes.

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Easily Distracted By Coasters

Are you easily distracted by coasters? Maybe you’re in class and watching that latest POV while the teacher is talking. Or you’re supposed to be working but planning your next theme park visit. Maybe your significant other is talking but you’re counting down the seconds until you get your next rollercoaster credit in! If any of these apply to you, then this shirt is perfect for you!

SFOT: Mr Freeze Valley’s

The Mr Freeze ride at Six Flags St Louis

The train on the Mr Freeze Reverse Blast at Six Flags Over Texas recently valleyed. This is when a roller coaster fails to make it past a hill or similar point in the track. The ride vehicle kind of just gets stuck. This happens fairly often in the coaster world and guests were most likely evacuated by ladder or fire department.

How is this fixed? Park maintenance has to either take the ride vehicles off the track and put them back on in another spot OR they have to wench the coaster up whatever lift hill it got stuck on and after that let gravity do the job in returning it to the track station.

Go Behind The Scenes Of Haunted Mansion At Midsummer Scream

On Sunday, July 30, at Midsummer Scream, The Walt Disney Studios will present: Happy Haunts Materialize! Behind the Scenes of Disney’s Haunted Mansion, only in theaters July 28.

This special apparition from regions beyond will include Jonathan Eirich, Producer; Jeffrey Kurland, Costume Designer; and Phillip Bartell, Editor. Hosted by Lauren and Trevor Shand, and Leone D’Antonio from The Boo Crew Podcast, the group of frightful filmmakers will discuss bringing Haunted Mansion to the big screen while sharing behind-the-scenes anecdotes and insight about the process of re-imagining one of the world’s most famous attractions into a brand-new motion picture experience!

It's an otherworldly encounter you don’t want to miss! Hurry back – hurry back – to Long Beach Convention Center this July with all the fans that flock to Midsummer Scream from creepy old crypts all over the world!

The code word is bananas, the first person that replies back to this email with the word will get some cool stuff sent to them!

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Earn Cool Stuff By Referring Friends to the Newsletter!

The rewards here will be slightly changing over the next week or two. We’re going to be adding a roller coaster wheel as a reward to the first person that hits 500 referrals! We also have some other rewards we’re considering adding as well as changing up the points required for one of the current rewards.